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     “Jesus loves me, this I know.” I am sure we have all sang or heard that song at least once in our lifetime.  As a child that song is sung with such faith, knowing that Jesus really loves us. But as we became older, it became just another children’s song in our music memory and most likely replaced by the latest music fad of the day.

     Now that you are an adult and your music repertoire has greatly expanded, I ask you “How do you know Jesus loves you?”  Is it “for the Bible tells me so?” Now really, do you think I am going to let you get away that easily? Where in the Bible does it tell you so?

     As I searched the “Inter-Web” ;) and looked through GOD’S Word, I can tell you there are at least nine (9) Biblical verses I found stating Jesus’ Love:

  • Jesus’ loving look for the rich young ruler. (Mark 10:21)
  • Mary and Martha’s stating “he whom You love,” when describing their brother Lazarus’ illness. (John 11:3)
  • John the Apostle observing Jesus’ love for Lazarus family. (John 11:5)
  • Knowing one would betray Him, one would desert Him, and the rest would disavow Him; Paul states Jesus loved all the disciples till the end. (John 13:1)
  • Paul knows Jesus loved him and he wrote “whom Jesus loved”. (John 13:23)
  • Jesus is giving the Disciples a new commandment, “to love one another” as Jesus has loved them. (John 13:34)(John 15:12)
  • Jesus tells the Disciples that if they keep His commandment, that will show their love for Jesus and if they love Jesus, GOD will Love them, and Jesus will love them. (John 14:21)
  • Jesus tells the Disciples that as GOD has loved Him, so He has loved them. (John 15:9)

     As I write this lesson, I realize that this appears blasphemous to question Jesus’ love for us. But I mean no such disrespect for our Lord and Savior. But as Easter approaches and the wooden crosses are displayed all over the place, I am reminded why “this I know.”

     In reading GOD’S Word, we know:

  • Jesus was born of a woman, just like you and me.
  • Jesus was a vulnerable baby, just like you and me.
  • Jesus had a childhood, just like you and me.
  • Jesus breathed the same air, looked to the same sky and walked the same earth as you and me.
  • Jesus experienced temptation, just like you and me.
  • Jesus experienced sadness and disappointment, just like you and me.
  • Jesus experienced betrayal and hatred, just like you and me.
  • Jesus experienced physical pain, just like you and me.
  • And after all that human experience, Jesus felt every man’s sins; past, present and future.

     If you ask me “How do you know Jesus loves You?” I would answer “because He showed me.” With every strike of the cat-o-nine tails, with the beating of His body, and while hanging on a cross. “He who knew no sin,” took my sins and willing suffered the most inhumane way to die. As I have accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, I know I will see Him again someday. As I imagine standing before Him that day, I can only feel remorse in my heart that my sins caused His death. How can anyone love someone so much that they gave their very life for them? In John 15:13 we read, “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” But Jesus didn’t just take the sins of only His friends. No, Jesus took the sins for all mankind, non-believers and believers.

     In a world of pain and suffering, we must remember we are loved to death. So many are feeling like they are spiraling out of control and their emotions are letting them down. Too many are desperately seeking love, true heart-felt love. And some have convinced themselves that they are not worthy of love. How is this possible? We have Jesus who loved us so much that he paid the ultimate price of sin, all the way back to the first sin in the Garden of Eden and all the way forward until the last sin. That if we would only believe in Jesus Christ, I mean truly believe that He died for our sins and rose again in three days, that he would give us everlasting life.

     There is no better time than now to show everyone in your circle, that you love them enough to die for them. For Jesus told his followers in John 13:34-35 “…that you love one another, as I have loved you, that you also love one another.  By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”  Jesus died for our sins. That is true love and we must go show others that love. No one should feel unloved in this world.  We need only sacrifice ourselves and let them see a glimpse of Jesus through our actions.

     Jesus truly loves me, this I know, for he showed me so when he died for me on that cross.

     Let Us Pray.

     Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You for sending Your Son to save us from our sins. We know you are a loving GOD when you sent Your Son Jesus Christ to teach us how we are to be your humble servants. GOD we see Your grace when Your Son Who had no sin, was beaten and crucified for all of our sins. GOD we see Your love when Jesus was raised from the dead on the third day, defeating sin so that we might have everlasting life. GOD we pray that we may show such love for those around us, that no one should die without first accepting Your Son as their Lord and Savior. Dear Jesus, Thank You for showing me your love.  For it is in Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.